Me & My Boys - Toby & Jasper

To cover everything and anything. Interesting, the mundane, the news, whatever comes into my mind. Enjoy.
Perhaps some means of an introduction is needed. How much details do I go into? How much do people want to know? How quickly can I bore people to sleep? I wonder what the record is?
Lots of questions and few answers!
I'll start with the immediate family. Me, 42 years of age, going through a life changing experience and relishing every moment. But more of that later.
Hubby, Nigel, 59 years of age. Commissioning engineer and good all round egg. My life and sole mate!. Rest of the family is Toby and Jasper, our 8yr old and 3 yr old respectively Cocker Spaniels, Eric & Edna, our pair of Eclectus parrots, Mr & Mrs Murphy, our blue and gold Macaws, Barney, our Sun/Jenday Conure and Spike our Lutino cocketiel and of course, all those under water - our 28 Japanese Koi Carp.
That's our immediate family and then there are the rest of our families. More of them later.
Speak later