To cover everything and anything. Interesting, the mundane, the news, whatever comes into my mind. Enjoy.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Too Stop Apologising
We were in Standish over the weekend and in Liverpool on Saturday. First weekend away for 10 years and certainly first weekend away alone for about 15 years - without our boys.
Had a really relaxing time, good company and excellent food. The traveling was horrendous.
Miles and miles of traffic jams on Friday and on Sunday coming south on M6, they just seem to have permanent roadwork signs up from junction 24 through to junction 15, where we got off - thought the only REAL roadwork were over Thellwell viaduct (junction 23)!!!!
The boys got on like a house on fire in their respite care. Came home absolutely exhausted and have been very quiet today. I am more than happy for them to go there when we go away in March.
Kate got on great with tea parrots and Koi and even had a face to face with Mr & Mrs and a chat.
So, all in all, as I said a great weekend .
Speak soon
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Missing Days & Our "Holiday"!!!!
Work is incredibly busy plus I have just finished my week of being on call. Mind you that went quietly. Have now found some great pictures of the koi show we put on this year - here is the link for anyone interested. The koi labeled as Vat 4 our some of Nigel's and mine.
Hope it works OK.
We are going away this weekend - first holiday/break of any sort away from home for over 10 years. Our boys are going into respite care - really nervous about this. That's I am not the boys. I am sure they will have a great time, but I will of course worry about them.
We are off up to Liverpool and Standish. Will see my Dad and then over to meet old and new friends in Liverpool on Saturday. Really looking forward to it. Will hopefully take the laptop to keep this updated, but don't hold your breath.
Watched Fat Nation on TV tonight. Saw Faye who is a real star and just so brave. I wish her all the very best for the future. and her hopes of having children.
Nige and I have decided to go a month without any red meat and limited eggs. Starting Tuesday so keep your fingers crossed for us.
Busy day tomorrow, case packing etc. so I am away. Off to the GP about my leg - a large haemotoma and very painful - taking bets how long I am in the surgery!!
Speak soon
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Tech problems
Friday night had been updating Windows and opening a Service Pack, but just had to go to bed so shutdown before it had finished.
Saturday morning - computer not a happy bunny. Had to remove partly opened update and then reload several programmes etc. and then was left with the most ridiculous display on the monitor - which I have just sorted out this morning - thank God!!!!
Wish I knew more about computers.
Speak soon
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Failed Again!!!! I blame Work.
Bad week to go back to work after my hols - a week on call. That means I picked it up yesterday and now on call until next Wednesday morning!!! All quite so far, dare I say............
Still not managed to pin Nigel down to a session with the digital. Promise it will happen soon. Batteries are now charged up so all raring to go. Perhaps this weekend. Mind you, saying that, we have another hectic weekend planned - just where does the time go.
really excited that we are collecting my new greenhouse this Saturday - a step closer to the tortoises arriving (another course I must get finished) The a good friend Charlie has asked Nigel to help him do some work on the pond. We also want to carry on with our pond AND I must get the Section magazine sorted out. Friends round tomorrow night - all in all, the usual hectic time in the Ostell household.
Nice to get a comment from a fellow blogger - Craig. Another parrot enthusiast. He has suggested I drop by his blog - when and if I ever manage to find him and others I will let you know. Is there a directory of Blogs somewhere?
Talking of parrots, Mr and Mrs appear to be "making babies" so fingers crossed. Needs to happen fairly soon otherwise it will roll into next year and knock the breeding cycle back in to the summer.
Enough's enough, my bed is calling. Pray for a quiet night for me and I'll let you know how it goes.
Monday, September 06, 2004
Back Again - Better Late than Never
Our Living Jewels (our koi) even managed to pick up some nice prizes and we acquired three newbies. First ones for about 5 years apart from 2 I received from our very good friend Dave for my 40th. He is no longer with us but one of his darlings did very well in the show as well. When I receive some photos I will post one or two just so peeps know what I'm droning on about.
Uncomfortable over night - the usual suspect, sore and swollen ankle and foot, though nothing like it would have been. However, also painful up my leg which I didn't understand. However, in the shower, discover the biggest bruise and swelling over my knee and just below - don't know what that is about - but it bl***y hurts.
Supposed to be a quiet day today but I have all the results to type into the computer and the beginnings of the magazine to sort out. Due to be posted next Monday. So had better finish this. May add some more later
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Darn It - Missed the Bu***r!!!!!
Well, yesterday passed in a blur. The show is coming together really well and starting to look really exciting. We have this morning caught 10 of our Koi carp this morning and they have gone off to the showground in the careful company of Nigel. I have just finished preparing the 3 salads and then I will be loading up the car and away!! BBQ this evening which should be good fun and then the show itself tomorrow. Weather is forecast to be good - so all in all, looking forward to it.
Especially when I think back to this time last year when I couldn't stand or walk for more than a few yards and also had the most excruiating bad back. Just can't believe the difference 9 months makes!!
The boys are not too chuffed with us as they are having quite long days on their own. However, we did go for a super walk yesterday morning, about a mile or so and then went into my office to hopefully meet the temporary respite carer - but she wasn't in. Must remember to sort this out some time next week!!
Mr & Mrs look as though they may be thinking about breeding again. This sun is encouraging them - they certainly like a bit of sunbathing. Eric & Edna are their usual selves though again missing our company.
Well, ahd better away otherwise the Committee will be wondering where I am and I will be arriving just in time for lunch again - without doing any work!! LOL
Thursday, September 02, 2004
What a Day!!
We are busy putting our Koi Show together for this weekend as well as shopping, running the car to the garage again (another £150 spent!!) and booking the other car in for next week - which is going to be really painful (£650 ish - gulp) and entertaining the boys.
Anyway, had a great day otherwise and these little hicups will not get me down.
Been very active, and also eaten well. No crap, though have probably not drunk quite enough. Must try harder tomorrow, especially if it is as hot as today. Even got a bit of a sun tan!!
My boys were not too impressed at being left for most of the day, so they went for a nice long walk this evening - which they thoroughly enjoyed. Even managed to terrorise some poor young man by just looking at him! I really do feel sorry for people who obviously have a very genuine fear of dogs. They don't know what they are missing out on.
Anyway, enough drivel for today. Managed another posting three days running - a positive start for me.
Speak again soon
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Nearly Missed it!!!
Then off to the plumbers merchants for some piping and "bits" for our major project - the Koi pond. This is a "blog" in its own right and for now, just to say it is a "work in progress" is being kind to it. It is fast working towards being in existence double figures. But at last we seem to be making REAL progress. Another story for another time.
Then back home for dog walking and feeding time. Some time on the computer and then the phone call to tell me the life size me is ready for collection. Nigel and I went to fetch her and boy is it a strange experience looking at yourself - or yourself some time ago. When Nigel has taken to photos, and if I'm feeling brave enough, I'll post one on here and people will see what I'm talking about.
Then this evening we have been to the show ground to see how the show set up is coming along - good. We will then be there for the next 5 days or so.
So busy days ahead and a test of my input on a daily basis - time will tell.
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Early on, apologies. I'm afraid I can ramble on and for me, part of this blog, is to act as a therapy for me. To help sort out my thoughts, ideas and concerns. So, if you are not bored to death, keep on reading.
Perhaps some means of an introduction is needed. How much details do I go into? How much do people want to know? How quickly can I bore people to sleep? I wonder what the record is?
Lots of questions and few answers!
I'll start with the immediate family. Me, 42 years of age, going through a life changing experience and relishing every moment. But more of that later.
Hubby, Nigel, 59 years of age. Commissioning engineer and good all round egg. My life and sole mate!. Rest of the family is Toby and Jasper, our 8yr old and 3 yr old respectively Cocker Spaniels, Eric & Edna, our pair of Eclectus parrots, Mr & Mrs Murphy, our blue and gold Macaws, Barney, our Sun/Jenday Conure and Spike our Lutino cocketiel and of course, all those under water - our 28 Japanese Koi Carp.
That's our immediate family and then there are the rest of our families. More of them later.
Speak later